Portable Turnout Gear Dryer – 6 position

For stations or mobile applications requiring additional drying capacity the Port-6 dryer by Circul-Air

SKU: PORT-6 Categories: ,


Portable Turnout Gear Dryer – 6 Position


For stations or mobile applications requiring additional drying capacity the Port-6 dryer by Circul-Air Corp allows for quick and efficient deployment in the station or on scene, bringing drying capabilities to where they are needed. With higher ground clearance than the competition these units can be moved while loaded. Additionally, a significantly quieter operation they can be operated near personnel without being a distraction or background nuisance.

Relying on a steady flow of heated or ambient air as required, these dryers offer competitive dry times to return gear to service. And with logical hanging trees and accessory posts, gear can be properly separated and dried to manufacturers recommendations in support of NFPA 1851.

Each unit is ruggedly manufactured with a powder coated finish ready for years of service and comes with a 3-year warranty.


  • Available 1500W onboard heating is standard, not an upcharge for when you need it.
  • Forced air blower provides up to 525 CFM of directed airflow.
  • Standard Circul-Air Corp control panel for simple, intuitive use with preset times.
  • 120V, 60 Hz, 20A standard with 8’ grounded plug.
  • Port-4 can dryer 12 pcs of disassembled clothing and an additional 24 pcs of accessory.
  • Best in class 65 dBA operation at 6’, 55 dBA at 10’ allowing for use in close proximity to personnel.
  • 6” of ground clearance for use inside and outside of the station.
  • Black and Red Powder coated components.
  • 32” X 90-1/2” X 77” (W x L x H)
  • Manufactured in North America


Machine Dimensions: (WidthxDepthxHeight)41-3/4” x 32” x 77”60-1/2” x 32” x 77”90-1/2” x 32” x 77”
Airflow, Negative Pressure Axial:525 CFM525 CFM525 CFM
Heating @ 120V, 1PH:1500W1500W1500W
Electrical Specification:  120/1/60120/1/60120/1/60120/1/60
Standard Finish:Powder coat CAC Red and BlackPowder coat CAC Red and BlackPowder coat CAC Red and Black
Double Upright:122
Single Upright:002
Boot Post:4812
Glove Post:4812
105F Max Temperature Control:YESYESYES

Additional information

Capacity/Pieces of Gear (separated)

Up to 12 pc capacity, Up to 11 pc capacity, Up to 10 pc capacity

Electrical Requirements

120v 3 prong plug



Product Documents

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Appliance Warranty & Manuals

Extractor Warranties & Manuals

Warranty Files Located https://drive.circul-air-corp.com/s/cZTfM4gHikRAg7x

1 PORT-6 

2 Portable Turnout Gear Dryer - 6 position


4 For stations or mobile applications requiring additional drying capacity the Port-6 dryer by Circul-Air


Technical Data

Electrical Specification:

110 V / 1 PH / 60 HZ / 20 AMPS, GROUNDED PLUG


Contact Circul-Air if you have any questions:


800-795-1150 option 2