All Circul-Air Extractors and washers are engineered, manufactured,
programmed and tested to ensure they meet the unique needs
and requirements of the fire service.
Circul-Air cabinets are fully NFPA 1851:2020 edition compliant
which ensures your gear will be dried safely and in a timely fashion.
PPE and hose storage solutions you can count on to provide
a safe and organized place to position your gear
for a quick response to the next call.
Circul-Air Corp is the leading North American manufacturer of First Responder cleaning and drying equipment for PPE and fire hoses.
Our Quality product offerings bring commercial grade heavy duty equipment to our customers.
At first look you can tell the difference. Solid robust styling, rugged materials and simple controls are a hallmark of Circul-Air products. Designed to last and meet the unique needs of the the fire service.
Circul-Air has been an integral part of the fire and emergency service since 1940 when the first hose washers and hose dryers were introduced. Since then we have engineered the product line to address PPE decontamination issues to address the skyrocketing cancer rates among firefighters.
All Circul-Air appliances are engineered, manufactured and programmed to meet or exceed the requirements of NFPA 1851 standard. Otherwise known as Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting. Circul-Air wash and dry cycle programming is tested and proven by over 18 Independent Service Providers.