Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer – 115 – 125 / 25 Pcs

This Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer has a 51 lb capacity, allowing up-to 12 pieces of firefighter gear to be dried at once.

SKU: cactd-115-125 Categories: ,


Circul-Air Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer

Circul-Air’s Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer is engineered to meet NFPA 1851:2020 edition to maintain your gear after every use.

Designed for any department scale, this dryer is available in a variety of sizes ranging from a 23-75 lb. capacity. Each tumble dryer features user-friendly controls to efficiently to effectively dry your turnout gear, to help it last longer.

Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer Features:

  • NFPA 1851:2020 Compliance: Rest easy knowing that Curcul-Air’s Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer meets the latest NFPA 1851 standards.
  • Loading With Ease: Loading and unloading your gear has never been easier. The Tumble Dryer’s door features a wide 180 degree opening, ensuring convenient access. This allows you to maneuver your turnout gear with minimal effort.
  • Pre-Programmed Cycles: Every Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer comes with three pre-programmed cycles that meet NFPA 1851:2020. This ensures your gear is safely dried in order to continue standing up to the demands of the firefighting industry.
    1. No Heat: Ideal for situations where gentle drying is preferred.
    2. Low Heat: A moderate heat setting for a balanced drying process.
    3. Max Compliant Heat: This setting adheres to the highest of compliant standards.
  • Efficiency and Safety Combined: The Circul-Air Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer delivers superior drying performance while emphasizing safety and efficiency. It’s pre-programmed cycles within the dryer ensures that your gear is thoroughly dried, reducing the risk of mold, mildew, and bacterial growth.

Invest in the reliability and innovation of Circul-Air’s Dryer line. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your firefighting gear is treated with the care it deserves. Upgrade your gear maintenance routine with a dryer that reflects Circul-Air’s commitment to quality, compliance, and the well-being of firefights.

Additional information

Weight485 lbs
Dimensions38 × 53 × 76 in
Capacity/Pieces of Gear (separated)

Up to 12 pc capacity

Dryer Type

Gear Dryer

Electrical Requirements

120v +Gas Supply

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1 cactd-115-125 

2 Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer - 115 - 125 / 25 Pcs


4 This Turnout Gear Tumble Dryer has a 51 lb capacity, allowing up-to 12 pieces of firefighter gear to be dried at once.